Sammler du ATC'S? Jeg bytter gjerne. Ta en titt i albumet mitt, ( du finner det her til venstre ) og og send meg en e-mail med kontaktadresse:)
Do you collect ATC's? I love to trade, so take a peek into my album, ( You'll find it right to your left hand side ) and send me an e-mail message with contact info :) ------------------------- Sammelst Du auch ATC's? Ich tausche gerne,so luscher mal in mein Album ( Du findest es gleich hier an der linken Seite ) und sende mir eine E-Mail mit Kontaktadresse:)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Callenge # 21 " Seasons "

Enda en god utfordring fra Mytimetocraft og denne gangen er temaet " Seasons " Jeg skulle ønske at jeg hadde 24 timer i døgnet til å leke meg, men når jeg tenker på all den jobbingen som venter på meg synes jeg det var ganske bra at jeg klarte to ATC'S.Jeg bestemte meg for Sommer og vinter og brukte tapet, et Hänglar stempel og litt Paper Gloss for sommerutgaven, og for vinterutgaven ble det brukt Designer Papir, House Mouse stempel, div Punces og glitter snø.
Once again a faboulus Challenge from Mytimetocraft It's all about "Seasons."
I wish had 24/7 time to play, but at least I managed two ATC's which I thougt was pretty good thinking of all the work waiting for me.
I went for the seasons Summer and Winter using wallpaper and a Hänglar Stamp and some Paper gloss for highlighting some of the background for the summer ATC. On the Winter ATC I used Designer Papers, a House Mouse stamp, punches and Glitter Snow.
Wieder eine klasse Herausforderung von Mytimetocraft Das Thema war diesmal " Seasons " Ich wünschte ich hätte 24 Std am Tag um herumzubasteln aber wenn ich an die ganze Arbeit denke die ich im Moment um die Ohren habe, finde ich es ganz Gut das ich wenigstens Zwei ATC's geschafft habe. Ich hatte mich fuer ein Sommer und ein Winter ATC entschieden und benutzte Tapete, ein Hänglar Stempel sowie etwas Paper Gloss fü r den Sommer ATC. Für den Winter ATC musste Designer Papier, ein House Mouse Stempel, Punces und Glitter Schnee herhalten.


Richelle said...

Very cute. Love the house mouse image!

Bev said...

Gorgeous work, that image is just so sweet and the colours are lovely

Lesley said...

Great atcs, thanks for taking part in the MTTC challenge this week xx

Jo said...

Your ATC's are brill, the mouse is soooo cute. Thanks for joining in with the MTTC challenge this week :o) Jo x

My Time To Craft Challenge said...

Thanks for taking part Joanne,
beautiful ATC's!

Sokke Pinboard

Har du strikket sokker i det siste og vil like å vise åssen de ble ????? Null problem !!! Pinn bilde av dem på veggen min :) Du finner lenken under her. Jeg håper på mangen sokkebilder, så bare legg i vei. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you knit any socks lately and would like to show off your work ???? No problem !!! Pin a picture of them to my wall :) You'll find the link below. I hope for a lot of sock pictures, so go ahead.

virtual pinboard