Sammler du ATC'S? Jeg bytter gjerne. Ta en titt i albumet mitt, ( du finner det her til venstre ) og og send meg en e-mail med kontaktadresse:)
Do you collect ATC's? I love to trade, so take a peek into my album, ( You'll find it right to your left hand side ) and send me an e-mail message with contact info :) ------------------------- Sammelst Du auch ATC's? Ich tausche gerne,so luscher mal in mein Album ( Du findest es gleich hier an der linken Seite ) und sende mir eine E-Mail mit Kontaktadresse:)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wow what a blog candy

All you scrapping sisters ( and brothers? )

Linanna has a fabulous blog candy up and going on her blog.
Pop over to her blog and have a look at all that niet stuff she is giving away.
YOU will be the lucky one to win???

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Sokke Pinboard

Har du strikket sokker i det siste og vil like å vise åssen de ble ????? Null problem !!! Pinn bilde av dem på veggen min :) Du finner lenken under her. Jeg håper på mangen sokkebilder, så bare legg i vei. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you knit any socks lately and would like to show off your work ???? No problem !!! Pin a picture of them to my wall :) You'll find the link below. I hope for a lot of sock pictures, so go ahead.

virtual pinboard