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Do you collect ATC's? I love to trade, so take a peek into my album, ( You'll find it right to your left hand side ) and send me an e-mail message with contact info :) ------------------------- Sammelst Du auch ATC's? Ich tausche gerne,so luscher mal in mein Album ( Du findest es gleich hier an der linken Seite ) und sende mir eine E-Mail mit Kontaktadresse:)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dancing in the street

What a great day
Sunshine, good mood and a Band that reunited after 40 years. How could we not dance in the street ??????
It was a big day in Ecco Bay Ontario yesterday as the once so successful and popular band " Kountry Kings "grabbed their guitars and made all people swing their legs to the tunes of the past. ( The band was close to achieve superstar status ;) and it wasn't only the guitars being electric )
All the old country stars came alive in a magic way and the crowd was singing along like in the good ole days.
Woooohooooo what a day

1 comment:

Rosinova said...

Oh Joanna,
ich glaube dir doch glatt das ihr einen schönen Tag hattet :-)))
Das hätt mir auch gefallen!!!!!
LG Rosinova

Sokke Pinboard

Har du strikket sokker i det siste og vil like å vise åssen de ble ????? Null problem !!! Pinn bilde av dem på veggen min :) Du finner lenken under her. Jeg håper på mangen sokkebilder, så bare legg i vei. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you knit any socks lately and would like to show off your work ???? No problem !!! Pin a picture of them to my wall :) You'll find the link below. I hope for a lot of sock pictures, so go ahead.

virtual pinboard