Sammler du ATC'S? Jeg bytter gjerne. Ta en titt i albumet mitt, ( du finner det her til venstre ) og og send meg en e-mail med kontaktadresse:)
Do you collect ATC's? I love to trade, so take a peek into my album, ( You'll find it right to your left hand side ) and send me an e-mail message with contact info :) ------------------------- Sammelst Du auch ATC's? Ich tausche gerne,so luscher mal in mein Album ( Du findest es gleich hier an der linken Seite ) und sende mir eine E-Mail mit Kontaktadresse:)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BLOG CANDY at Inger Marie's

Hei jenter,
stikk over til Inger-Maries blogg, hun har en utrolig flott Blog Candy med Magnolia stempler, flotte papirer og stæsj for ikke å snakke om de flotte kortene hun lager. Dere må bare ta en titt på dem. Men skynd dere den 24.08 blir sluttstreken satt ;)
Hi girls, jump over to Inger-Maries blog, she has an amazing blog candy with Magnolia stamps, gorgeous papers and other cute stash up and going. Not to talk about the supere cards she makes, you just have to take a look. But hurry up, dead line is the 24'th of August ;)
Hallo Mädels,
flitz mal rueber zu Inger-Maries Blog, sie hat ein fabelhafter Blog Candy mit Magnolia Stempel, tolle Papiere und andere Leckereien in Gang. Von ihren tollen Karten will ich erstmal gar nicht reden, die muss man gesehen haben. Aber beeilt Euch am 24.08 wird der Schlusstrich gesetzt ;)

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Sokke Pinboard

Har du strikket sokker i det siste og vil like å vise åssen de ble ????? Null problem !!! Pinn bilde av dem på veggen min :) Du finner lenken under her. Jeg håper på mangen sokkebilder, så bare legg i vei. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did you knit any socks lately and would like to show off your work ???? No problem !!! Pin a picture of them to my wall :) You'll find the link below. I hope for a lot of sock pictures, so go ahead.

virtual pinboard